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How to Make Verified Paypal Account in Pakistan

How to make PayPal Account in Pakistan

Many Pakistani don't know that how they can use PayPal account in Pakistan. As we all know that PayPal service is not available in Pakistan but there are other ways as well to create a PayPal account. So, don't need to worry about it when you have such an informative website as Techbeast. pk.

What is PayPal?

PayPal is an American use for the money payment system online that is operating worldwide. PayPal allows you to send or receive money online. It charges a fee for their services like click for the transaction of money or memory password etc.

It is one of the most secure ways for the transaction of money and you can send or receive money in the fastest way through PayPal.

Want to know the best part: its service is available in 202 markets and it has 286 million active registered accounts. You can send or receive money in 25 currencies in the world with the help of Paypal.

PayPal was established in 1998 as Confinity. In March 2000 Confinity was attached with Later on its name changed as PayPal in 2001. You can use PayPal in both on IOS or Android devices.

Why Create PayPal Account in Pakistan

Are you thinking that why you need a PayPal account in Pakistan? Then the answer is simply as if you have an online business in Pakistan or a businessman who sell products online outside the country then you need a PayPal account.

Sometimes, freelancers have to interact with different people from different countries and states including America, European-based countries, UK-based countries, Arab countries and many others.

One of the most difficult situations that Pakistani freelancers are facing nowadays is the payment receiving method and they can't get the money easily for the work they do. The main reason is that PayPal is still not available in Pakistan. Many freelancers have to find work from all around the world which including Bitcoin, Payoneer and different payment currency.

How to Create Verified PayPal Account In Pakistan

If you have an online business and don't have a PayPal account and your opponents have a PayPal account then their profit in business is 10 times faster than yours.

PayPal Account


✨ Payoneer Account (compulsory)

✨ Patience

✨ Focus of brain

Why I need PayPal Account?

It is used to verify a PayPal account and use to receive or send your money from PayPal.

How to set up a PayPal account

👉Firstly, go to the PayPal official website.

👉Now, click on sign up option.

👉When you click on sign up, just simply give your Email address and set the password.

👉After that, they will shift you to the next page. On the next page, you have to give some personal and original information as the legit name, address of your CNIC.

👉Then they will send you an email just to verify your given email address.

👉Now, fill all the required information given to create PayPal account.

Note: You have to input the valid address of a country where PayPal is operating as we know that PayPal is not available or operating in Pakistan.

👉After filling in all the information, you have to confirm your email address. If you don't confirm the email then you will not be able to receive payment from PayPal.

👉You can confirm your email by opening the mailbox on your PC or mobile.

👉Then just click on "Yes this is my email" to confirm your email address.

PayPal gives you two options to create an account a Business account, a pro account and a standard account. It's your option that which offer you want.

Benefits of PayPal Account


PayPal allow its user to transfer amount of money in high speed. Its users can transfer money to any Bank account within 24 hours.


PayPal transition fee is also very affordable. It's just 3 cent per transaction and 3% of total amount of transaction.

Safe Buying

PayPal users offer guarantees to buyers and sellers.

Account Privacy

PayPal gives you the best protection of your account, also provides you, users, information protection as compare to any other company.

Ease of Record Keeping

PayPal user can easily keep their record safe and keep the dates of transaction.

Get a Paypal Account from Pakistan Just Register a US Company:

Just to solve this issue, Ejad Labs comes with a great solution that allows freelancers, small businesses and many other institutes, to open an account in a US bank from Pakistan in a very flat fee. (Ejad Labs is an organization that is working to help Entrepreneurs from all around the world).

The company officials said that they will take care of everything including Tax advisory and bank registration. They are also providing a great to entrepreneurs so that they can easily and quickly break in the US market. The whole process is very easy and simple and will take the time of two weeks.

If you want to use PayPal, Amazon, Stripe, Upwork and any other suck kind of services then you simply need to pay a flat fee of $499. And they will provide you the following tasks:

  • LLC or C-Corporation registration
  • Unique mailing address available in the US
  • Virtual contact number availability in the US
  • Registration in the state of Delaware or Wyoming
  • Tax preparation corporation available
  • No fee and minimum balance required in your account

How to Make Verified Paypal Account in Pakistan
